Summer Term

During this final term, our work in religious education is based on Life in the Risen Lord and People of other Faiths, with a particular focus on Judaism.

Religious Education knowledge organiser

Religious Education newsletter

In our English lessons, we are following our new writing scheme – Pathways to Write.

Year 4 Term 3A (Summer 1) Spelling Overview

Year 5 Term 3A (Summer 1) Spelling Overview     

Our topics covered in Maths this term are: percentages, shape, space and measure; and Roman numerals. Also children continue to recall, with increasing speed and accuracy, the times tables along with the associated division facts. 

Decimals and Percentages knowledge organiser

Properties of Shapes knowledge organiser

Perimeter and Area knowledge organiser

During Science lessons, the topic is Properties and Changes of Materials, in which we are investigating the best equipment to use for different materials. In PSHE, we are discussing the topic of Healthy Relationships. 

In History we are completing our Maya topic and then moving onto the Tudors.  Children were tasked with producing a Tudor project of their choosing. 

In Geography, children are learning how to read maps and give grid references, with special focus on mountains.

Mountains knowledge organiser

Marvellous Maps knowledge organiser

In computing lesson, children are introduced to 3D modelling and concept maps. 

During French lessons, we learn how to ask for food and drink and to ask others what they would like. 

That’s Tasty knowledge organiser

Music lessons will continue every Friday with Mr Conway. This includes instrument playing, singing and music composition. Swimming lessons will continue every Thursday afternoon.