Introducing our Governors

The Governing Body at St James’ is a hardworking, friendly group of people and I am privileged to work with them. Being the Headteacher of a Catholic School is very important to me as I enjoy being part of the wider community and supporting our children along their faith journey.  I have been a staff governor on my two previous schools’ governing bodies as I like to be involved in decision making and to have a school wide view of what is happening. Out of school I like to make music, be outdoors and I am an active Guide Leader, sometimes all at the same time! Jackie Walker: Headteacher Governor

I have been an associate governor since starting at St James’ in 2016. I am on all the committees including the COVID19 panel and attend full governing body meetings. I have a particular interest in analysing performance data as well as developing and overseeing the school curriculum. Part of my role is to update policies and produce reports for governors. Mark Woolley: Associate Governor

I have been a governor at St James’ since September 2008 when I retired from my post as Headteacher at St Paul’s, Hyde. I was born and brought up in Hyde and so am really pleased to continue to support the local schools of my home town. Although I say retired, this is never strictly true!!  I help the Diocese of Shrewsbury on appointments to schools and some RE inspections and I am also a governor at Our Lady’s in Ashton. St James’ is such a happy caring community I am only too pleased to be supporting the whole community in whatever way I can. Kevin Toms: Chair of Governors (Safeguarding Governor)

I am married with two grown up daughters and a granddaughter. I go to St Edward’s church in Lees, Oldham. I am a retired headteacher. I started teaching at St James’ Hattersley in 1974! And loved it! I worked at St James’, St Paul’s Hyde and then back to St James’! I was an Early Years Advisory Teacher for 18 months which I loved. I became a deputy Head at Holy Trinity in Ashton u Lyne which provided me with a very different experience. I was Headteacher at Dowson Primary School in Hyde for 17 years until I retired two years ago. In my last year at Dowson it became an Academy. During my 43 years as a teacher I have had a very wide range of experiences. I am interested in all aspects of the primary curriculum but my special areas of interests are Early years, Literacy and the humanities. I have experience in all aspects of school management and sat on many Tameside committees representing Primary Headteachers. I have been involved in many different networks especially with Hyde schools. I have also been involved in regional and national events. I am passionate about every child having the opportunity to receive a first class education and to have the support they need to achieve their full potential. I have also been very committed to working with the whole family and engaging parents to be fully involved in their children’s education. I am delighted to be a Foundation Governor at St James’, I’ve come full circle! I am looking forward to working with my fellow Governors, the Head and all the staff, to ensure the school continues to provide an excellent education in a warm, supportive community. Janet Rathburn: Vice Chair of Governors