Our first group of lovely, enthusiastic parents have now completed the Parent Gym programme. We are hoping to run the next sessions after the Easter break. Our topics will include “chat”, “love” and “behave”, amongst others. The workshops are inclusive, parent-led activities where we all share our knowledge in a fun environment.
What our parents have said:
“I would like to inform everyone that parenting gym is not a parenting course for bad parents it is far from it.”
“It is a couple of hours each week where you get to speak to other parents and discuss different ways to deal with situations that occur in family life.”
“No one preaching, no one telling you you’re wrong…. Just honesty, friendship and actual help and support that works.”
“I have even managed to get my son in his own bed for the past week with different techniques other parents have suggested.”
To find out more visit Parent Gym.
Look out for details of the next Parent Gym programme on posters displayed on doors around the school. Book on early to avoid disappointment! Tea and toast supplied, free of charge and your pre-school children are welcome to come along.