Autumn Term

We have had a wonderful time in Year 1 so far!

Autumn 1

In Religious Education our topic is Creation and Covenant. We have learned about the story of Creation and retold the story in lots of different ways. We have shared prayers such as the Our Father and the Creed to recognise prayer as a way of drawing closer to God. We have thanked God for his beautiful creations and talked about ways we can look after the world he created for us. 

In Maths, we’ve been diving into the world of place value! The children have been hands-on, using practical equipment to explore numbers up to 20. They’ve been busy making numbers, comparing them, and ordering them like little mathematicians. Plus, we’ve had fun recognising 1 more and 1 less! It’s wonderful to see their enthusiasm for learning as they build a strong foundation in maths. 

Year 1 have been busy applying their phonics knowledge in their writing. They’ve been working hard to write sentences using a capital letter, a full stop, and proper finger spaces. It’s fantastic to see their confidence growing with every sentence they write!

In Science we have been learning about the seasons. We have discussed the  weather for each season and started to look for signs of Autumn. Year 1 have started an exciting tree study! We’ll be visiting the same tree throughout the year to observe and document the signs of seasonal changes. We can’t wait to see what nature has in store for us!

We have loved exploring our outdoor woodland area in our Forest School sessions! Learning in the outdoors encourages us to be resilient, confident, independent and

Autumn 2

Our topic in RE this half term is Prophecy and Promise. We recognise that Mary said yes to God’s calling when she was visited by Angel Gabriel in the Annunciation. We searched for symbols of Mary around school and used drama and movement to act out the scripture we listened to.  

In Maths, we have been using different strategies to add numbers within 10!

Children in Need 2024. Our Mini Vinnies raised money for Children in Need by selling milkshakes at playtime. We also took part in an obstacle course in the hall!

In science, we have been learning about the human body. We have been learning about our five senses. We have explored our senses in science experiments! This has included sound walks to explore our sense of hearing and taste tests to identify if food is salty, sweet, bitter or sour!