Please make sure you are reading every night for Homework Remember to read every night. Please remember to complete 5 games of Spelling Shed and 5 games of TTRockstars |
Welcome to Class 4.
The staff in our class are Mrs Dobie and Mrs Collins. Our midday assistant is Ms Akhter.
Important information:
Tuesday… PE – come to school wearing your PE Kit – black/navy blue shorts, plain white t-shirt and black pumps.
Thursday… Spelling Test and Times Table Test.
Friday… Music – bring your instruments!!
Forest Schools… Year 4 will be taking part in Forest school sessions later on in the year. Children need to come to school wearing their Forest School clothes – long trousers, long sleeved top, waterproof coat, wellies or walking boots, hat, gloves and scarf. It is better to wear more layers which the children can take off if they get too warm rather than not enough.
We use these websites at school (children will have a personal log-in on their password card in their Home/School pack):