Spring Term

We are looking forward to learning lots of new things during this Spring term.

We are learning about inspirational people in our Religious Education lessons and discussing why we are inspired by certain people.  We wrote some Bee-atitudes poems (based around the Beatitudes). The main focus will then be on Lent in preparation for our Easter celebrations. 

In English, most pupils have been enjoying our new English scheme, Pathways to Write.  Each topic focuses on an exciting book and children produce work around this book.  A small group of children have been following the Fresh Start scheme, reading texts such as “Amy Oliver’s Goldfish Pie” and writing their own poem/story/report.  

Year 5 Term 2A (Spring 1) Spelling Overview

Year 5 Term 2B (Spring 2) Spelling Overview

In our maths lessons, we have completed our fractions topic, moving onto percentages and decimals, using our Maths No Problem scheme.    We will have daily mental maths sessions which cover all four operations, as well as our weekly arithmetic tests and multiplication tests.  

Year 5 fractions knowledge organiser

For our Science lessons, we focus on two topics: Forces – different types of forces and how they act upon an object; Properties and changes of materials. 

Forces knowledge organiser

Properties and Changes of Materials knowledge organiser

Our geography topic this term is Marvellous Maps. Children explore map reading, symbols, use grid references and explore 8 compass points. 

Maps knowledge organiser

We are very fortunate in our class to have some wonderful artefacts from Guatemala and Mexico, which we investigate during our archaeology lessons. 

Later on in the term, we  will study aspects of Tudor life including: life in a Tudor town/village and exploration during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.  Children will be given a project to complete at home about the Tudors, choosing from a list of various topics. Have a look at last year’s work:

The Tudors knowledge organiser

                                                                                Elizabeth I | Biography, Facts, Mother, & Death | Britannica

In Art, we are following our new scheme, Access to Art.  So far, we have drawn letters inspired by nuts and bolts, and twigs, created a 3D map, explored how to use various media (charcoal, drawing pens, chalk etc)

In our computing lessons, children learn how to use spreadsheets, databases and how to create their very own games, using Kodu. 

During French lessons, we learn how to order food and drinks, and talk about our family, where we live and what animals we know.  We had great fun trying to make the noises that animals make, in French.

That’s Tasty knowledge organiser

Family and Friends knowledge organiser

Swimming lessons take place every Thursday afternoon.

Music lessons continue with a mix of composition and instrumental lessons – please make sure your child brings their instrument every Friday. 

Spellings are uploaded to Spelling Shed and tables to Times Table Rockstars.  We ask that children practise these each night, making sure they complete 7 games/minutes of each one.  
Gallery of Children’s Work
Here is a selection of photographs showing children’s work in class from last year.  Keep checking back for this year’s classwork!