
Writing at St James’ Primary School

During taught English lessons at St James’, transcription and composition is taught within the context of the genre or text. Teachers aim to motivate and engage pupils to enjoy writing by ensuring that the audience, purpose and context are meaningful to them by their careful choice of inspirational texts. We also seek to increase the children’s ability to plan, draft and edit their own work and also work of others.

Key expectations for writing at St James’ extend beyond English lessons into other areas of the curriculum. A balance of fiction and non-fiction work is covered across the school and is linked with other curriculum subjects when it is possible to do so. We often use ‘Hooks for Writing’ at the start of new topics or genres and always ensure we use a variety of stimuli and resources to engage and enthuse the writing process. Teachers ensure they select high quality texts, which are both relevant to the children’s interests and incorporate elements of writing that they will then teach children to use in their own writing.  Writing is always shared on a wider scale whether it be with peers in their own class, or with the wider school in assemblies, on display in school or on our website or school social media pages.

Grammar and punctuation is taught daily within the context of the genre or text, although can also be taught when necessary as stand-alone lessons.  From as early as Key Stage One, children are encouraged to reread and edit their own work to ensure they have included the relevant grammar and punctuation and are given checklists and visual guides and support when checking their work.  Teachers use online resources such as Lexia, Spelling Shed, Education City and Purple Mash to reinforce new skills and assist their writing.

At St James’, teachers ensure that they provide children with speaking and listening opportunities in all lessons so that they are able to gain confidence and enhance their vocabulary.  Children are always encouraged to share ideas and participate within lessons and all input is valuable.  We also provide children with extra speaking and listening opportunities in smaller more discreet groups should they need it.