Autumn Term

This is what last year’s Year 3 were up to:

Welcome to Year 3!

Hello and welcome to a new school year. We are looking forward to being able to enjoy a fun filled year with you. Here are our topics for this term…

Religious Education
During this term, Year 3 will be exploring the Christian Family and Mary Our Mother.  Our lessons include learning about the Sacrament of Baptism and reflecting on the meaning of this Sacrament. We will also be preparing for Advent, understanding that Advent is a time to prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

We are going to be using Pathways to Write for our English Curriculum this year. This term we are going to be focusing on Seal Surfer by Michael Foreman which will develop our recount and letter writing skills and also ‘Winters Child’ by Angela McAllister where we will write our own fantasy story based around this book. We are going to be building a deeper understanding of the different vocabulary that we use in different pieces of writing and using these in our own work.

This year we are continuing with Maths – No Problem! This follows the successful Singapore Maths approach but is fully in line with our National Curriculum.
Here is an overview for this term: Numbers to 1000, Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division.
It is really important children practice their times tables regularly at home. They will focus on a different times table each week and will be tested every Friday. There is a reward at the end of the year, ‘ice-cream sundaes’ for successfully learning their times tables.

This term, we will be using atlases to study the Geography of the UK from the rivers and seas to regions and counties.

In our Land Use study, we will be becoming cartographers, making maps of the local area and agricultural surveyors by considering where different types of farming activities occur within the UK.

In Science this term our first topic is about Animals including humans. We will be understanding that including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food as well as identifying that humans and some animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.

Art and Design

We are continuing with our Access Art curriculum this year which encourages the children to take ownership of their work and their books. This term we are going to be studying two topics- Telling Stories Through Drawing where we will explore how artist are inspired by other art forms – in this case how we make sculpture inspired by literature and film as well as Working with Shape and Colour which involves “Painting with Scissors”: Collage and stencil in response to looking at artwork. 

Design and Technology
This term we will explore how pneumatic systems work and how to use them to design, create and avaluate a moving monster. 


Our unit this term is Coding, Online Safety and Spreadsheets. Year 3 will be using the coding software ‘Purple Mash’ in order to make their own computer games.


Unit 1 is ‘Getting to Know You’. This term, Class 3 will be learning how to greet one another in French.

Music is every Friday with Mr Conway from Tameside Music Service. In Class 3, children begin to learn how to play a brass instrument.


Please try to make appointments after school or during half term.
If you have any concerns or if your child is having problems with their work please do not hesitate to come and see me or any of the Year 3 team.

Mrs Field

Year 3 class teacher