Autumn Term


Our topics this term were I wonder what is special and I wonder where people live. Our Nursery children really have been very special leaving their adults and bravely coming into school. We read stories about special people, places and event in our lives. After half term we looked at different types of homes and climates around the world. We celebrated  world Nursery Rhyme week and looked at fantasy homes and we even made our own gingerbread houses.

We are learning how to be good friends, all about the rules and routines of nursery and getting used to the classroom and other school routines. We have done lots of exciting activities and the children have had lots of opportunities to explore the inside and outside environments.

We are learning about God’s wonderful world and all the beautiful colours around us. To help us with this we had colour days in nursery on Thursdays. On these days Nursery children can come dressed in that colour and we tasted lots of different coloured foods and explored activities in each colour.

We enjoy going outside looking for signs of change on our Wednesday Welly Wanders and exploring the area around our school. We are learning to be independent and developing our fine and gross motor skills through a range of activities including cooking and baking, forest school and PE.

We learned lots of new songs and performed in the school harvest festival. We also respectfully participated in Remembrance day, had lots of fun for children in Need and rehearsed and recorded our Nativity performance. Our  RE focus was about the birth of Jesus which was woven throughout our daily sessions. Our term ended with a visit from Santa, a spectacular Christmas dinner, party and a chance to watch the other recorded nativity performances and carol service.