I fell in love with St James’ Catholic Primary School almost seven years ago when I was invited to join them as a P.P.A teacher working with children across the school from Nursery to Year Six. I was made most welcome by the Governing Body, the Headteacher, the Staff and above all the children. I have the most wonderful memories of my time at St James’ and I am delighted at being appointed a Governor here at the school. I am a former Deputy Headteacher and subject Coordinator at several different schools in the Diocese of Salford and Manchester LEA. I have held curriculum responsibilities for Special Educational Needs, Modern Foreign Languages, Mathematics and Sport. I bring to the school a wealth of experience in the Primary Sector and my appointment enables me to work alongside a dedicated team supporting the needs of your children here in Hattersley. An avid Manchester United fan I have taught football, cricket, netball and lacrosse, being one of the founder members of Manchester’s Primary School Lacrosse Development Programme. Hobbies include reading, watercolour painting, travel, woodworking and DIY. I also play snooker at League Level and have been known to play the guitar and sing when called on. My wife and step daughter have been a constant source of support and are delighted that I am joining the Governing Body at St James’. My hope is that I will be able to assist the staff and the Governors to ensure the very best education for your children. The school is already “outstanding” in so many ways and it is a privilege for me to be appointed as one of your governors. Peter O’Keefe: Foundation Governor
I, too, am an ex pupil of St James, starting here in 1974 before emigrating to South Africa. There are still some letters that I wrote from South Africa to Mr Platt, as a child, in the School’s archives! Being a governor helps me in my role as Office Manager at school as it enables me to have a overview of the whole school and all that happens in it. Paula Boyce: Staff Governor
I was appointed as Parent Governor in November 2020. I have two children; my eldest Nathan is currently in Year 1 whilst my youngest is still only a baby. I received an all-round excellent education which helped me achieve my ambition of going to University to study law. I later qualified as a Solicitor and practised law for a firm based in Macclesfield for 10 years before I decided that I wanted to go into teaching. I currently work at a Secondary School where it is my goal to train as an English Teacher. I am passionate about education and that all children should have access to good learning and I am really look forward to working with the School within this role. Louise Blondon: Parent Governor