
English Intent

At St James we intend to develop pupils’ abilities within an integrated programme of speaking & listening, reading & writing.  Pupils will be given opportunities to develop their use, knowledge and understanding of spoken and written English within a broad and balanced curriculum, with opportunities to consolidate and reinforce taught English skills.


We aim for pupils at St. James’ Primary School to leave Year 6:

  • Reading and writing with confidence, fluency and understanding, using a range of independent strategies to self-monitor and correct.
  • A love of reading and a desire to read for enjoyment.
  • An interest in words and their meanings; developing a growing vocabulary in spoken and written forms.
  • A good understanding of grammar and how to use it.
  • The understanding a range of text types, media types and genres.
  • The ability to be able to write in a variety of styles and forms appropriate to the situation;
  • The ability to use their developing imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness.
  • To have gained a suitable technical vocabulary to articulate their responses.                      

Useful Documents;

English Programmes of study: Key stages 1 and 2 National Curriculum DFE

Useful Websites;

Read Write Inc Read Write Inc. Phonics – Ruth Miskin Phonics Training

BBC Bitesize- English English – BBC Bitesize

Phonics Play PhonicsPlay

Pupil Voice