Our school receives additional funding for looked after children and those on free school meals called Pupil Premium. Each year the school must notify parents of the amount of pupil premium it receives and how it intends to utilise the funding.
For more information about Pupil Premium please click on the following link
This year our Pupil Premium allocation was £71,280
We have used this money to
- part fund our Reading Recovery Teacher to work with individual pupils in Years 1 and 2 and to support groups in Years 3-6.
- part fund release time for our SENCos
- fund our Speech and Language Therapist one day a week to work mainly in EYFS but also throughout the school where there is a need
- part fund trained Teaching Assistants and an SSA to provide interventions such as Better Reading, Toe by Toe, Lexia, success@arithmetic and 1stclass@number to improve the achievement of our children Y1-6
- provide the resources necessary to deliver these interventions
- provide the training necessary to deliver these interventions
- pay for an extra term of swimming lessons for children in Year 5
- pay for extra music tuition so that all children in Years 3-5 have specialist music tuition
- provide visits, trips and enrichment activities to raise our children’s aspirations Years N-Y6
- to supplement the cost of our residential visit to Robinwood so all year 5 children can have an opportunity to develop their confidence and teamwork skills
- make a contribution towards improving outdoor provision for Nursery and Reception children.