At St James’ Catholic Primary School we think carefully about the intent, implementation and impact of our curriculum.
As a Catholic School we focus on our RE work which is delivered creatively using “The Way, The Truth and The Life” scheme which is recommended by our Diocese.
We acknowledge the importance of preparing our children for their statutory tests and have a strong focus on English and Maths, but also aim to expose our children to a curriculum that is broad, rich and deep. We have recently reviewed all our subjects by taking a subject each week and reviewing the policy, completing a pupil questionnaire and taking a learning walk in each subject. This was a fascinating process.
For more information about the subjects in each class, please choose your child’s class from the list here. Clicking on the subject headings takes you to the page explaining what each subject is about.
If you would like more information about our curriculum please feel free to contact Mr Woolley, our headteacher.