
Latest information for Reception: 
Remember to access Purple Mash for support with your child’s phonics. All the single sounds that we have learnt so far are on there. 
Every Friday is PE. Please come dressed in PE kit and black trainers.
This week our new learning in maths we will be looking at different ways of measuring.

Welcome to Reception, the year when the foundations for the future are laid.  The staff in this class are Miss Eustace, and Mrs Childs. We are joined every morning by our wonderful volunteer, Grandma Pam. 

In Reception we teach the children how to begin to live out our Mission Statement and ‘Together we are Learning to Follow Jesus. We do this by encouraging them to always try their best in everything they do and through the positive friendships that they make throughout the school.

Our aim at St James’s is to provide a high quality early learning but most importantly the children learn through having fun.

Play is the most natural way in which children explore the world around them.

Image result for when god made me he said ta da sign

We are a class of big personalities. In Reception we have 19 wonderful children who are ready to learn in a fun, creative and active way.