Year 5


Latest information for Year 5:

Welcome to Class 5.  The staff in this class are Mrs Slawson and Miss Walker. 

Important Information:

Tuesday – PE kit: plain white t-shirt, black/navy blue shorts, black pumps (please come in this on Tuesdays  – a pair of black or navy blue jogging pants may be worn as PE may be done outside)

Thursday – Swimming kit: Girls – one piece costume (no bikinis) and a swimming cap.  Boys – trunks (tight fitting, not shorts). Goggles can be worn but a parent letter must be provided, stating that it is the parents’ responsibility regarding health and safety. 

Friday – Brass instruments

Spellings and multiplication tables will be given each week, for a test on Friday.

Every pupil should be using Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars daily to help them to learn their spellings and multiplication tables. We expect them to be playing seven games of each per night. 

We use these websites at school (children will have a personal log-in card which has been sent home). 

Spelling Shed

Times Table Rockstars


Lexia Power Up – the teacher email address is
