
Thank you for visiting the Geography curriculum page.
We hope you enjoy finding out how important Geography is to us at St James’ and how it is taking place.

Geography Policy

Geography Curriculum Intent

At St James’, we stimulate pupils’ interest to help them gain a sense of wonder in the world around them. whilst developing an informed concern for the quality of the environment. Children will acquire a wide range of geographical knowledge and skills to enable them to understand the relationship between Earth and its people.

We help our pupils to understand that the character of places derives from the interaction of people and environment, by increasing their knowledge about the location of the physical and human features of the World. Children will develop a knowledge of the location of different places including their physical and human characteristics and how these provide context for understanding their geography. We enable children to understand how the Earth’s features are shaped and change over time. We understand the processes of key physical and human geographical features of the world and how these change over time.

We develop the geographical skills needed to collect and analyse information gathered through first-hand experiences of the environment and to carry out geographical enquiries. We enable pupils to interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and communicate geographical information in a variety of ways. We use geography to develop pupils thinking skills, skills in literacy, numeracy, science and ICT and to promote pupils’ awareness and understanding of gender, cultural, spiritual and moral issues.

Key Documents

National Curriculum -Geography Programmes of Study

Geography Curriculum Long Term Plan  2020-2021


Pupil Voice
We asked our pupils to describe what they enjoy about geography lessons at St James.
We used their responses to make a word cloud:

Why Geography matters?
Watch to understand why geography matters:

Geography activities around school:

Navigating our way to the Museum Of Science and Industry:

Using an atlas to locate the UK’s main rivers and seas:

Exploring Hattersley and observing how things have changed over time:

Recognising and labelling landmarks on a map:

Locating countries and cities in the UK:

Observing and identifying seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK:


 Maps on the playground: