Year 2

Latest information for Year 2: 
Remember: Bring your reading books and reading book bags to school everyday. 
Remember: Practise your spellings every day on Spelling Shed. 15 games to be completed a week!

Welcome to Year 2! The staff in this class are Mrs Field and Mrs Davies.

The Autumn, Spring and Summer pages show you what we have been learning about in class each term. Please click on each term’s pages individually for updated news and phots of all the exciting things we have been up to! Check back regularly, you never know what you might find!

Some handy things to remember:

Bookbags should come into school everyday. They have your reading record, reading book, login cards, spelling menus and library book in. Please read regularly at home!

Spellings will be tested each week on a Friday. New spellings will be given each Monday. Please practice your spellings on Spelling Shed, 
We expect children to complete 3 games on Spelling Shed each day after school if possible, or to have 15 games completed by the end of the week (Friday). This is expected alongside daily reading at home.

Homework projects will be sent home at the appropriate time within a topic. You have the whole half term to complete these and be as creative as you like! 


P.E for Year 2 takes place every Friday.  Pupils need to come to school dressed in their P.E kits. Please ensure your child wears the correct school PE kit consisting of a plain white t-shirt, plain navy blue/black sports shorts and trainers/black plimsoll type pumps. Children will still need their school jumpers.

Prayer Bags

Each Friday we will take turns to take a prayer bag home for the weekend. Prayer bags must come back to school on the following Monday. This is an opportunity for your child to enjoy prayer time at home with their family and include any prayer intentions in our class prayer book.