In reception we have an opportunity to participate in Prayer and Liturgy daily. We pray together as a class and in groups. Every child is given the opportunity to pray by giving praise to God.
We know that our prayer and liturgy times are very special.
We always start with a candle as we know that this reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world and our very best friend. We pray together and listen to the word of God and then we try and live out that message each week.
We have been learning all about Jesus as a little boy. We know that he was very loved by his family, just as we are by our own family and the family of St James. We listened to the Word of God as told by Luke that Jesus grew up in a loving and Holy Family. We promised to always love the Holy Family and to love and honour our own family.
We listened to The Great Commandment (Lk 10:25-28). We know that Jesus asked us to love our neighbours. We used our golden box and found special words that helped us to think of ways we could help our neighbours around the world>
We love to make our own prayer focus. We often choose to say thank you to God for our many blessings we have in life.
Today we listened to the Gospel story where Jesus forgave a woman. We passed around a stone and we talked about how if we do not forgive one another our hearts will become hard. We then passed around a love heart and we know that if we forgive others just like Jesus did our hearts will become soft and full of love for each other and Jesus.
Holy Week was a very special time to be in school. We walked with Jesus on his Holy Week journey. On Holy Wednesday we were able to spend time in the hall and were able to pray together and listen to the word of God at each of our Lenten Journey stations.
It was just beautiful to share this very special week with the children.
We know that the month of May is devoted to our mother in heaven Mary.
We listened to the bible story where Mary said yes to the angel Gabriel. We thought about times when we have needed to say yes to things that might be difficult, but just like Mary we know that if we trust and love God everything will be alright.
This week we listened to the parable of The Lost Sheep. We know that Jesus loves each and everyone of us, all the time. We know that to follow Jesus we have to try and live like him and follow his example. We thought about ways in which we could follow Jesus and live out his Gospel message. We wrote our ideas on a sheep and added them to our Prayer and Liturgy focus.