Religious Education (RE) is more than just a subject here at St James’. It is at the heart of all our teaching and learning. We want every child to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and to be happy and enthusiastic learners of RE.

All primary schools within the Diocese of Shrewsbury use The Way, the Truth and the Life (WTL) programme as the main resource to support the teaching of religious education. This provides “learning experiences which enable pupils to engage, in the wholeness of their being, in this exploration they are encouraged to seek the truth, which is God, to develop their understanding and to reflect on its meaning for them.” Children develop their own personal skills and judgements, greater self-awareness and spirituality. At St James’ we aim to maximise and clarify “The Way, the Truth & the Life”, so that it is specifically tailored to meet the needs and requirements of our pupils.

Our Religious Education follows the key events in the Liturgical Year such as: Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.  The scheme of work is supplemented by other resources and by regular professional development on creative and engaging approaches to the teaching of religious education. We also participate in events and projects organised by the diocese. In December 2020, our Year 5 children performed the Hail Mary using sign language. This was then shown throughout the diocese as part of their Advent service.

RE Policy


  1. To provide pupils with interesting and exciting experiences driven through an engaging and comprehensive curriculum.
  2. To develop pupil’s knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith, enabling them to develop a living and personal faith in Jesus Christ and allowing them to know and love God.
  3. To ensure that RE is the foundation of the entire education process and permeates all areas of the curriculum and school life.  
  4. To make the whole of our community feel welcome. Parents, family members, friends (of whatever faith) and parishioners will be invited to attend Masses and religious celebrations within both school and our Church.
  5. To develop pupils (and their parents) knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the Sacraments.
  6. To ensure that at St James’, pupils will be prepared for life in a multi-faith society by fostering respect for and understanding of our rich cultural diversity.
  7. To give pupils opportunities during RE lessons to obtain transferable skills such as making links and connections; engaging and responding; analysing and evaluating and using sources of evidence.

At St James’ we follow ‘The Way, The Truth and The Life’ scheme for our RE curriculum.

Please find the overview and syllabus for each year group below:

Nursery Syllabus

Year 1 Syllabus

Year 3 Syllabus

Year 5 Syllabus

Reception Syllabus

Year 2 Syllabus

Year 4 Syllabus

Year 6 Syllabus

Progression of skills and knowledge – Prayer and Liturgy – EYFS to Year 6

Holy Week and Easter 2021

The Diocesan Lenten Liturgy which was held on Tuesday 30th March focused on the Seven Last Words of Christ. These are the last words (phrases) of Christ found in the Gospels, which show us the extent of his love for us, but they also challenge us with important truths to live by.

Each class reflected on these last words of Christ and have produced some amazing artwork. These have now been shared with the Diocese to be viewed during the liturgy and will be displayed in church from Good Friday.   

This year, we are remembering Holy Week in a different way. Instead of coming together in our Houses, we are staying in our own class bubbles. We have activities planned for each day of Holy Week. Each class will produce a banner and art work which will be displayed outside church. Pupils will then ‘Walk the Way of the Cross’ and we invite parents and parishioners to do the same. Each class will also film their own Lenten Liturgy which will be uploaded to Facebook on Maundy Thursday. Also on Thursday, we will celebrate the Last Supper together as we share the bread and ‘wine’.