School meals are freshly cooked daily in our own school kitchen! They currently cost £3 per lunch. Dinner money of £15.00 per week is payable in advance using the school money app. Universal Free School meals are now available for all children in Reception, Y1 and Y2. In other classes free school meals may be available depending on individual circumstances.
There is a new system for checking eligibility for Free School Meals, if you feel that you are entitled please check with Mrs Boyce in the office to ensure that you have been transferred onto the new system. Please could you still apply, even if your child brings a packed lunch or has Universal Free School Meals, as we receive funding for those children who are eligible. Thank you.
Packed lunches (please consider healthy eating) may be brought and eaten on the premises. Fizzy drinks or hot flasks of food are not permitted.
Two weeks notice is required in writing if lunchtime arrangements are to be changed; when you submit a request you will be informed by the office of the starting date.
School meals need to be ordered by 10am each day and, if ordered, must be paid for. If your child is going to be late because of a medical appointment then please let us know if they require a dinner, before 10am.
More information can found on the Tameside website