Chair of Governors
Mr Kevin Toms (Foundation Governor term of office ends 31.08.24)
(Mr Toms is also a governor at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Ashton)
Vice Chair of Governors
Mrs Janet Rathburn ( Foundation Governor term of office ends 31.08.26 )
( Mrs Rathburn is also a governor at St George’s in Hyde)
Foundation Governors ( Appointed by the Diocese of Shrewsbury)
Fr Philip Atkinson (term of office ends 31.08.24)
Mr Peter O’Keefe (term of office ends 31.08.27)
Mr Martin Brennan (term of office ends 28.07.2025)
( Mr Brennan is also a governor at ASCC)
We currently have 2 vacancies for a Foundation Governor
Staff Governor (Elected by the staff)
Mrs Paula Boyce (term of office ends 20.03.25)
Parent Governors (Elected by the parents)
Mrs Dana Berry (term of office ends 22.03.28)
Mrs Maria Edunsin
LEA Governor (Nominated by the LEA)
Mrs Christine Mansell (term of office ends 5.12.27)
Headteacher Governor (By virtue of their office)
Mr Mark Woolley
Associate Governor (appointed by the Governing Body)
Miss Caitlin Bostock
For governor attendance please click here Copy of Governor Attendance 2023-2024
CES Code of Conduct for Governors
None of our Governors have a business or financial interest in the school nor are they related to any member of staff.