Physical Education

We love being active at St James’ Catholic Primary School and look forward to Tuesday because it is PE Day! We also enjoy a range of after school sports clubs. 


Curriculum Intent

We want our children to be physically active and to understand the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.

We want our children to exercise safely especially when near water, it is so important that they learn to swim.

We want them to be offered a wide range of opportunities in which to develop skills.

We want them to have opportunity to engage in and enjoy competitive and cooperative sports and games.

We want them to experience challenge and to be confident and competent in their agility, balance and coordination.

Most of all we want them to have fun!

Useful Documents

Physical Education Programmes of Study: Key Stages 1 and 2


We love our sport at St James’ Catholic Primary School and enter competitions organised by Tameside Sports Development and by the Tameside Catholic Schools Sports Association ( TCSSA).

Each year we take part in as many sports as we can!  Last year we took part in… basketball and netball tournaments, girls, boys and mixed football, tag rugby, kwik cricket, cheerleading festivals, swimming galas, hockey competitions, cross country and athletics meetings, tag rugby competitions and KS1 festivals. This year we are going to try rounders! We also like to go and watch sport and each year we go to a match or game together.

Funding from the Primary School PE and Sport Grant is being spent on providing transport so that we can enter more competitions against other schools, we have increased our sports coach hours with Terri and employed Mr Partridge to organise and train for more competitions.

Our dream is to drain our back field so that we have somewhere decent to play our home matches.