At this time of year we would usually have our “Induction Meeting” to introduce you to St James’.  This year, we have been unable to do this due to the Covid-19 situation.  Please have a look at our presentation which will help you to understand some of what we do at our school. EYFS presentation

Whilst we your children are learning from home, we recommend the following websites to further inspire your children’s imagination and love of learning:

Fun ideas for home learning:  Oxford Owl

Lots of different activities for the various subjects: BBC Bitesize

Alphablocks, guide to phonics: CBeebies

Watch as the letters of the alphabet make words and phonics:  Alphablocks 

Maths games: Num Tums

White Rose Maths: White Rose

Sing along and learn about numbers: Numberblocks

Nursery rhymes and songs: BBC School Radio

Phonics: Phonics Play

Play painting games, sing songs and watch clips: Squiglet

As well as using technology to access learning, we’ve also included some links to sites where you can download and print off worksheets, to give your child a break from the screen:

Various alphabet activities: Twinkl

This site has display resources on which you could you to introduce your child to numbers and letters:  Sparklebox

Downloadable resources for pencil control, phonics and more: Printables

Literacy, numbers, topics and more: Little Owls

Green words 1   Green words 2

Rhymes for letter formation: Rhymes

St James  Catholic Primary School

RE Newsletter Spring 2

The Season of Lent


Dear Parents,                                                                                                  22nd Feb – 1st April 2021

The word Lent comes from an old English word that means ‘lengthen’ and refers to the turning of Winter into Spring when the days lengthen and the cycle of life is renewed once more. There is more sunlight, birdsong is more noticeable, spring bulbs are in bloom and trees are beginning to show signs of coming to life. These signs of new life are echoed in the season of Lent through which the Church bids us to reawaken and refocus on tending to the Lord who calls us ‘come back to me, with all your heart’. The journey of Lent is a journey towards the new way of living that Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, promised to us through the power of our most celebrated season – Easter.


We tend to celebrate Christmas as if it’s the most important time in the Church’s year, but the Resurrection of Jesus is the most important event for Christians. When Christians say that their hope is in the risen Jesus, they mean it is their greatest hope. When Jesus rose on the first Easter morning, it was a brand new kind of life. He promises this same life to all who hope in him. No wonder that Easter is the greatest feast!


Special intentions for our prayers from the Church’s prayer cycle for Lent:

Candidates for the sacraments; the needy and the hungry of the world; Women; Penitents and Wanderers

Dates from the Church’s calendar:


17th February   Ash Wednesday                                            21st March        Fifth Sunday of Lent

21st February    First Sunday of Lent                                    25th March         The Annunciation

28th February   Second Sunday of Lent                             28th March       Palm Sunday

1st March            St. David (Patron of Wales)                    1st April               Holy Thursday

4th March           St. Casimir                                                        2nd April              Good Friday

7th March            Third Sunday of Lent                                  3rd April               Holy Saturday

14th March         Mothering Sunday                                         4th April               Easter Sunday

17th March         St. Patrick

19th March         St. Joseph, Husband of Mary


Nursery and Reception— Joy and Sorrow

There is no limit to God’s grace, nor to God’s mercy when we fail

Religious Education Curriculum Directory


This half term, the children in the Nursery and the Reception classes will be learning about joy and sorrow. They will begin to understand that we are capable of hurting others and that we should always try to be kind to each other. They will learn that we can say sorry when we hurt someone but we need to ask Jesus to help us to do this. They will also begin to learn that Jesus forgave those who hurt him and know that we can forgive other people when they hurt us.

At home

You could help your children by:

  • talking to them about what makes them happy
  • talking to them about how they can be kind to other people • reminding them to say please and thank you and to say sorry when it is appropriate


Spring 2


Home Learning Week 1


White Rose Maths-Home Learning-Early Years Building 9/10 Week 1

Please watch the video each day and the complete the activity which accompanies  each video.


Read Write Inc

Please read the Receptions Blog on Purple Mash and there you will find the daily links to the sound of the day, reading writing and spelling activities.

It is so important that these activities are completed daily to support your child’s literacy development.


Purple Mash

2dos are set daily with an extension activity to complete either on paper or as a practical activity.

Remember to send your completed work to our class email address each day.


We are now in the special season of Lent.

This week we are learning about how wonderful God is and that he always keeps his promise to us.

I would like you to think about your promise to God and what you could promise to do.

During Lent I am walking at least ten thousand steps a day in support of the Cafod campaign called walk for water to support people around the world who are not as fortunate as we are.

At home you could make a rainbow and write your promise to God for Lent on it.

Remember to send it to us so we can see your love for God growing and see what wonderful promises you are going to make for God throughout the special season of Lent.


Good luck with all your wonderful home learning and Miss Stonelely and I cannot wait to see it.


Take care and God Bless you all.