Fun projects to choose from
- Practise your brass instrument.
- Sing!
- Draw out your family tree and make a book about your family history.
- Research Hattersley, when it was built and why.
- Create artwork in the style of your favourite artist.
- Try a new craft.
- Research your favourite famous person, write their biography.
- Research your favourite animal, write a fact file about it.
- Design a new board game… write your rules… play with your family.
- Design a new shop… what would you sell?.. what would you call it?… what would it look like?
- Design and make a book for younger children… will it rhyme? is it a pop up book?
- What historical period or event interests you? Research it and present your findings.
- Practice a skill that you find difficult like shoe laces!
- Tidy your room! (parent suggestion)