Spring Term

In our spring term, we are continuing with our Maths No Problem work, specifically focusing on word problems, breaking them down into smaller steps and really pulling apart exactly what we need to do. We are seeing an improvement on a whole at the children’s ability to solve word problems. 

In English, our book focus is ‘Island- A story of the Galapagos’ by Jason Chin. We will be working on developing our skills to write a journalistic report about Charles Darwin’s discoveries.  A small group of children are working on the Fresh Start scheme, focusing on specific texts to encourage love of reading.  Examples of the texts we are reading are: “Il Bello”, “New Boy” and “Macbeth”!

In Spring, we move forward from World War 2 to the Swinging Sixties, the decade that gave joy back to the world. We take a holistic look at the events that happened in order to change the world. The emergence of Pop Music, The huge change in attitudes in America and this country and the push for better human rights for all. Although some improvements have been made, have they been enough? We look at the lives of people such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and Oscar Romero and the sacrifices and changes they made in the name of justice. We focus on developments in space travel and the Space Race between the USA and the USSR. We look at the likes of Bobby Moore, Nobby Styles and Bobby Charlton and their Historic World Cup win. The Trophy going missing and Pickles (the dog) finding it. The first Heart Transplant, The Aberfan disaster and Lego First coming to the UK.

In art this term, we are exploring identity and looking at embracing things which make us who we are; our culture, background, experiences and passions. We are using techniques such as working with layers to help create imagery which reflects the complex nature of our identities. 


In Geography this term, we are focusing on the topic ‘Rivers’.  We are identifying features of rivers, recognising key vocabulary as well as learning about different rivers within the UK and the world. 

In science, we are focusing on Living things and their habitats. We are looking at classifying living things to enable us to understand their characteristics more clearly.  Some ways in which we classify living things is according to common observable characteristics. 

Music lessons are on a Friday every week, Mr Conway is our Music teacher and is part of Tameside Music Service and his music lessons are wide and varied with an eclectic mix of music.  If you have not already heard us, you must put our end of term brass concert in your calendar. it really is something we are incredibly proud of here at St James.

Just a reminder that In addition to our class work, we expect children to supplement their learning at home. This means 10 minutes reading every night. 10 games of Spelling Shed and 10 Games of TT Rock Stars.