Autumn Term

Welcome back to school!  During the first half term, our theme in Year 5 is Earth and Space. 

For our Religious Education lessons, we learn about The Creation Story and Adam and Eve, which are in the first book of the Bible, Genesis.  Later on in the term, we also learn about the Ten Commandments and the journey that Moses took his people on.  Small groups of children plan and lead prayer and liturgy each week based on the theme or topic in our RE lessons. 

In science lessons, the children learn about the Solar System and the place Earth has in the universe. They  research different planets and how they orbit the Sun; and understand why we have day and night.

Earth and Space Knowledge Organiser

For our Maths lessons, we follow the Maths No Problem scheme of work. This terms it covers: place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions.  We will have additional mental maths sessions which cover all four operations, as well as arithmetic and multiplication tests. 

multiplication and division knowledge organiser

During English lessons, we are following the Pathways to Write scheme, which is fairly new to our school, each unit is based on a different genre of writing. The Autumn texts, are fabulous both fiction and non-fiction books. Firstly we look at Queen of the falls, which is a rich and interesting retelling of the life of Annie Edson Taylor, who embarked on a daredevil adventure in order to make her fortune. The next book is written by the award winning author Carol Anne Duffy and is a beautifully written story, rich in vocabulary and figurative language

Our History topic for this term is The Ancient Maya. We explore this fascinating and advanced civilisation, who created their own number system and calendars. 

Ancient Maya knowledge Organiser

During our Art lessons, we are again excited to start our lessons using the Access to Art programme.  Children will be taught skills, develop their understanding of various media and become confident artists. 

Forest School

Autumn term has seen us develop our Forest School sessions.  We have been extra lucky that we have two Forest School experts on hand in our class. The sessions have been led by Mrs Snarr, but it will come as no surprise that Miss Walker is also a keen outdoor person. 

These sessions are so incredibly valuable, as already, we have seen children experimenting with balance, pivots, pushes and pulls, building dens, working cooperatively cooking on an open fire, identifying different features of nature, developing a sense of danger and how to stay safe and develop their climbing skills. Without even realising children are learning to develop friendship, build resilience, hypothesise, predict, experiment and all whilst having fun. 

We will, of course, be continuing to learn French, enjoy our singing lessons in class and enjoy various sports with our PE coach.  A new lesson for year 5 is swimming, which we will do every week on Thursday afternoons.