This is what last year’s Year 3 were up to:
Class 3 have lots to look forward to in our final term.
Here is a brief outline of what is being taught this term and some other useful information.
During this term, children will be celebrating and Easter and Pentecost. They will develop their understanding of what is means to be a Christian.
We are going to be using Pathways to Write for our English Curriculum this year. This term we are going to be focusing on Journey by Aaron Becker where we will be writing our own adventure story and Zeraffa Giraffa by Dianne Hofmeyr which will enable us to improve our persuasive writing skills.
We will be continuing with our Singapore Maths lessons. Here is an overview for this term: time, picture graphs bar graphs, fractions, angles, lines and shapes, perimeter of figures. Also it is really important children continue to practise their times tables and related division facts regularly at home. There is a reward at the end of every term: ‘ice-cream sundaes’ for successfully learning their times tables.
In Science, children will be learning about: plants and light.
During our Ancient Egypt topic, we will be learning about the achievements of this ancient civilisation. Year 3 will explore how and where the ancient Egyptians lived, what was important to the daily lives of ancient Egyptians, examined ancient Egyptian artefacts, discover who Tutankhamun was and how mummies were made. We will also discover how the ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics to communicate and researched the ancient Egyptian Gods.
Design and Technology
Year 3 will have lots of opportunities this term to research, design and create their own projects inspired by our ancient Egyptian topic. Class 3 have made a variety of projects from 3-D pyramids, ancient Egyptian jewellery and Egyptian death masks.
We will be continuing to use Purple Mash for our computing lessons this term. This term we will be learning about databases and graphing.
Art and Design
We are continuing with our Access Art curriculum this year which encourages the children to take ownership of their work and their books. This term we are going to be studying two topics- Making Animated Drawings, exploring how to create simple moving drawings by making paper “puppets” and animate them using tablets. Our second topic will be Using Natural Materials to Make Images which involves using natural pigments and dyes from the local environment to make art.
Our unit for this term is Our School and Time.
Children will need their PE kits, including black pumps, every Tuesday. We will not be giving out spare kit this year and so failure to have the correct kit, will mean children miss their session. This term children will be:
dancing with a partner
Music is every Friday with Mr Conway from Tameside Music Service. In Class 3, children will continue to learn how to play a brass instrument.
As well as practising their times tables, spellings and reading, children will be given a project to complete each half term.
Please try to make appointments after school or during half term. Also please ensure your child is punctual in the morning, as frequent lateness will be detrimental to their progress. Gates and doors open at 8:45am and close at 8:55am.
If you have any concerns or if your child is having problems with their work please do not hesitate to come and see me or any of the Year 3 team.
Ms F Field
Year 3 Class Teacher