We have been as busy as ever this Spring term! Have a look below to see what we have been up to!
Religious Education
This term we are exploring and discussing the topics Galilee to Jerusalem and Desert to Garden. We will be doing this using The Vine and The Branches scheme of work. We have learnt about the visit of the Magi, the kingdom of God and the parables of the sower and the talents. We have leant about miracles and the meaning of the Our Father.
In Desert to Garden we will be learning about the miracle of the loaves, the Last Supper and how this links to how we now celebrate the Mass. We will be learning about the meaning of the Eucharistic prayer and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, as some of us are preparing to celebrate the sacraments of First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation this year.
We will end the term reflecting on what we can do to prepare for Easter. We pause to reflect on the ways that we will pray, fast and give.
We continue to use Pathways to Write for our English Curriculum. This term we are going to be focusing on Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura, which will develop our historical narrative writing skills, and also ‘Big Blue Whale’ by Nicola Davies where we will be writing information texts about whales.
We are continuing with Maths – No Problem! Last half term we worked really hard on our 3, 4 and 8 times tables and have been solving multiplication and division problems using them, well done everyone! This half term we will complete the modules Further Multiplication and Division (looking at multiplying 2 digit numbers), Length, Mass and Volume.
Our History topic this term was learning about life in the Stone age through to the Iron Age. Children learnt about life in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, a period covering a million years of history. As well as understanding the chronology of this fascinating time, children learnt about the food, homes, tools and art, and how each of these areas developed and changed over time and how amazing developments occurred from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Click on the pictures below to see them all!
Our Geography topic this term is North America. We will begin by locating North America on a world map and identifying the countries of North America. Then we will look in more detail at the Rocky Mountains and the Mount St Helens eruption. We will compare the landscapes of different states, and compare New York with where we live.
We love Science in Year 3! This term continued learning all about light and dark, and have worked scientifically to explore reflection and shadows, as well as learning about how to protect out eyes from the sun. We have discovered how shiny materials reflect more light, and the effect transparent, translucent and opaque materials have on shadows. We have also discovered how we can move and change shadows. There are lots of photos below, including all of the amazing shadow puppet homework projects, well done everyone for your learning at home! Click on the first one to see many more!
Next we will be learning about forces and magnets, learning that pushes and pulls are forces, and are needed to make an object move. We will investigate the effect of friction on moving objects, and look at the movement on different materials. We will learn how magnets can act over a distance, and how the attract and repel some materials and not others. This week we observed how pushes and pulls make things move.
Design & Technology
Our DT topic this term was Structures, and we made fantastic castles out of 3D shapes! We researched the features of castles, and how a net can be used to make a 3D shape. Next we designed and made strong and sturdy structures using our nets and other junk modelling. They were fantastic! Click to see them all below.
Art & Design
This term we have been learning how to tell Stories Through Drawing and Making. We took inspiration from poetry to create art work and three dimensional sculptures. Next we will also be studying Cloth, Thread and Paint, exploring how artists combine media to create work in response to landscape. We will use paint and thread to make a painted and stitched piece.
We have been learning about online safety, beginning to understand that we have to choose websites carefully and not automatically believe everything we read online. We have learnt about blogging. and how age rating on films and games are there to protect us from inappropriate content. Next we will learn how spreadsheets and graphs can be used to organise and display data, and begin to learn how to touch type!
We are really enjoying learning a new language. We have learnt how to describe shapes, placing colour and size adjectives in the correct place in a French sentence! We have also looked at the French artist Matisse, and learnt how to ask politely for things, merci! Next we will be learning to count in French, and use this to play French playground games!
We have continued to learn to play our brass instruments and sing together with Mr Conway, and are making fantastic progress! We also had the opportunity to take part in Young Voices in February, singing in a huge arena with hundreds of other young people. We had an amazing time!