This is what last year’s Year 3 were up to:
Here is an outline for our topics in our Spring term:
Religious Education
This term we are exploring and discussing the topics Called to Change and Eucharist. We will be doing this through The Way, The Truth and The Life. We will be studying different stories from the bible including the story of Zacchaeus and the Parable of the Lost Sheep.
We will end the term reflecting on what we can do to prepare for Easter. We pause to reflect on the ways that we will pray, fast and give.
We are going to be using Pathways to Write for our English Curriculum this year. This term we are going to be focusing on Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura which will develop our historical narrative writing skills and also ‘Big Blue Whale’ by Nicola Davies where we will be writing information texts about whales.
We are continuing with Maths – No Problem! This follows the successful Singapore Maths approach but is fully in line with our National Curriculum.Here is an overview for this term: Further Multiplication and Division, Length, Mass and Volume. It is really important children practice their times tables regularly at home. They will focus on a different times table each week and will be tested every Friday. There is a reward at the end of the year, ‘ice-cream sundaes’ for successfully learning their times tables.
Our first History topic this term is learning about life in the Stone age through to the Iron Age. Children learn about life in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, a period covering a million years of history. As well as understanding the chronology of this fascinating time, children will learn about the food, religion, homes, technology and art and how each of these areas developed and changed over time and how amazing developments occurred from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
Our Geography topic this term is The Rainforest. We will be learning about the layers of the rainforest and explore some of the conservation issues surrounding the destruction of rainforest habitats. Later this term, we will be comparing a British forest with the Amazon rainforest.
Our Science topic this term is Rocks and Soils and Forces and Magnets.
Design & Technology
Year 3 will have lots of opportunities this term to research, design and create their own projects inspired by our Steon Age topic.
Art & Design
We are continuing with our Access Art curriculum this year which encourages the children to take ownership of their work and their books. This term we are going to be studying two topics Gestural Drawing with Charcoal which involves making loose, gestural drawings with charcoal, and exploring drama and performance. We will also be studying Cloth, Thread and Paint, exploring how artists combine media to create work in response to landscape. Use acrylic and thread to make a painted and stitched piece.
Our Computing topics this term include Touch Typing, E-mail and Branching Databases.
This term we are going to be looking at two topics – Food Glorious Food and Family and friends. We will be learning new vocabulary and also writing sentences using this.
We are going to be using Yumu a lot this term which is a website where Mr Conway will be setting us different tasks to complete. These tasks will vary each session but will develop on the skills that we already have. We will be singing, listening to different music and comparing different rhythms and tempos.