September 2024
Hello and welcome to a new school year. We are looking forward to being able to enjoy a fun filled year with you. Here are our topics for this term…
Recently we have celebrated our Harvest Mass.

We are going to be using Pathways to Write for our English Curriculum this year. This term we are going to be focusing on ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne which will enable us to write our own fantasy story based around this book, and also ‘Leon and the Place Between’ by Graham Baker-Smith which will develop our recount and diary writing skills. We are going to be building a deeper understanding of the different vocabulary that we use in different pieces of writing and using these in our own work.

We will be continuing with our daily counting, which will involve us practising our times tables that we will be tested on that week and also completing daily mental arithmetic questions. We are continuing to use Singapore Maths which helps to deepen the children’s understanding of different mathematical concepts and methods. This term we are covering Number to 10 000, Addition and Subtraction within 10 000, and Multiplication and Division.
This year in Year 4, children are following a new RE scheme called, ‘The Vine and The Branches.’ Topics are known as ‘Branches’. There are six branches – Creation and Covenant, Prophecy and Promise, Galilee to Jerusalem, Desert to Garden, To The Ends of the Earth, Dialogue and Encounter.
This term children are exploring Creation and Covenant . This is linked to the first book of the Bible- Genesis, which includes God’s Creation and Humanity. We learn about Abraham and how he had to learn to trust in God. We also learn about God’s Covenant and how He kept His promise. We understand that we are descendants from Abraham. Children will retell the story of Abraham and how it is important to trust in God.
We are following a new scheme for History. The topic this term is, ‘How have children’s lives changed?’
Children will be investigating the changes in children’s lives through time, children learn how children’s spare time, health and work have changed. They explore work in more detail, learning about a day in the life of a working child and the significance of Lord Shaftesbury in changing the lives of children.
KO -Autumn 1 -How-have-childrens-lives-improved.pdf
Art and Design
Year 4 Art follows the Access Art scheme which encourages the children to take ownership of their work and their books. This term we are going to be studying two topics – Story Telling Through Drawing where we will explore how artists create sequenced drawings to share and tell stories. Create concertinas or comic strips to retell poetry or prose through drawing and Exploring Pattern where we will be exploring how we can use colour, line and shape to create patterns, including repeating patterns.
Design Technology
Children will identify the difference between electrical and electronic products. They will evaluate a range of existing torches and their features, then develop a new functional torch design.
YR4 -Knowledge-organiser-Electrical-Systems-Torches.pdf
This term we are learning about Coding, Online Safety and Spreadsheets using Purple Mash. Each week we are set a new challenge which we have to complete within the lesson time.
4.1 – Coding Knowledge Organiser
4.2 – Online Safety Knowledge Organiser
4.3 – Spreadsheets Knowledge Organiser
This term we will be focusing on three topics in Science – In a State, Good Vibrations and Our Changing World. We are going to be planning and taking part in a variety of experiments throughout these topics so watch this space…

Good Vibrations Knowledge Organiser
Our Changing World Knowledge Organiser
Out topic this term is ‘What’s it like in Hattersley?’ where we will be exploring Hattersley now and then. We will be discussing and comparing similarities and differences around Hattersley and creating our own maps.
What’s It Like In Hattersley Knowledge Organiser
This term we are going to be learning how to play our brass instruments with Mr Conway. We are also going to be taking part in Charanga music lessons where we will be learning about different aspects of music.
This term we are going to be learning how to play Tag Rugby and Hockey. We will be exploring the rules of these games and the importance of playing together as a team. Terri from Tameside Sports will continue to teach our P.E. lessons.
During this term, we are going to be studying the topic of ‘Portraits’. Children will begin to understand that adjectives change if they describe a feminine noun. From this, they will write simple descriptive sentences. They will also compose simple sentences to speak to a friend.