Summer Term

We have lots to look forward to in the Summer term in Year 2. 


We will be continuing our learning by following the Vine and the Branches. Our branches this term include Ends of the Earth where we will be exploring how Jesus appeared to the Apostles. We will focus on the Ascension of Jesus, celebrating Pentecost and learning about St Francis of Assisi. 


This term we will be focusing on writing letters to persuade with a new text- The Last Wolf by Mini Grey. 


We will be continuing with our Singapore Maths lessons. Here is an overview for this term: time, volume, temperature, picture graphs and word problems.
Also it is really important children continue to practise their times tables and related division facts regularly at home. 


This term in Science our first topic is Animals Including Humans we will be learning about hygiene, life cycles and how the body works. In our Plants topic we will be observing and describing how seeds and bulbs grow and investigating how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow.


This term we are exploring Mugumareno Village in Zambia. We will compare  Mugumareno Village to the location and features of a contrasting locality in Zambia. We will also compare and contrast it with our local area and situating it within the African continent. We will explore how our location within hot and cold regions might affect everyday life differently in the UK and Zambia


Our final topic this year is exploring ‘What is a monarch?’ We will be finding out what the role of a monarch is, comparing the monarchy today with the monarchy in the past, investigating how William the Conqueror became King and learn how he used castles to rule. We will also study different types of castles and consider how these evolved over time.