Spring Term

What a wonderful start to the Spring Term!

World Book Day 
We have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating World Book Day! 

This half term, we are focusing on Branch 3 of The Vine and the Branches, Galilee to Jerusalem.
So far we have listened to and retold the story of the baptism of Jesus. We have enjoyed looking at artistic representations of Jesus’ baptism and discussing images used for God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  We have explored the preaching of john the Baptist, understanding that he is a prophet who calls people back to God by encouraging them to say sorry.  Later this term. we will be exploring parables as a literary form of scripture with a focus on the parable of the lost sheep. We will learn about Jesus’ miracles including Jesus calming the storm and the cure of the paralysed man. 

Year 2 prayer time:

We are continuing to use Maths No Problem! Which helps to deepen the children’s understanding of different mathematical concepts and methods through problem solving and reasoning. This term we are covering multiplication and division  of 2, 5 and 10, length, mass and temperature. 

We are continuing to work hard in our phonics and are becoming confident and fluent readers.
Our Pathways to Write text in the first half term was Dragon Machine by Helen Ward. We were surprised to find a  dragon egg in class and have loved hearing about the adventures of George. We wrote fantastic diaries describing our adventures as George, using subordination, past tense and exclamation and question marks.

In science we have been continuing to learn all about Living Things and their Habitats. We have loved learning about different habitats and food chains, and practising our enquiry skills exploring in our local habitat. Later this term we will be continuing to work scientifically when exploring the uses of everyday materials focusing on identifying and comparing the suitability of materials and how materials can be changed.

In history this term we are exploring the question, ‘How did we learn to fly?’
We have been learning about individuals who contributed to the history of flight. Beginning with the Wright brothers, we have used and evaluated historical sources to find out who the Wright brothers were and the events that happened during the Worlds first ever engine-powered aeroplane. Other significant historical figures we will study this term include Amelia Earhart and Bessie Coleman.

Our Computing topics this term include Online Safety, Spreadsheets and Questioning. 
In online safety we will learn how to refine searches using the Search tool. understand  how to share work electronically using the display boards. use digital technology to share work on Purple Mash to communicate and connect with others locally as well as have some knowledge and understanding about sharing more globally on the

In our spreadsheet topic we will be learning  what a spreadsheet looks like and  is used for. We will explore how to navigate around a spreadsheet and enter data. Our Questioning topic we will be showing that the information provided on pictograms is of limited use beyond answering simple questions. 


Our first Art topic this term is called Explore and Draw, as artists we will explore the world by going into our own environment and using things we find to draw from, using close observational looking. We will explore and use art materials, be inventive with how we use them and taking creative risks! Later in the term our topic is Music and Art, we will explore how we can make art inspired by the sounds we hear.


This term we will be exploring structures by  producing a model that supports a teddy using appropriate materials and construction techniques. We will need to identify features that make a chair stable, making a stable structure and explain how our ideas would be suitable for a baby bear.