We are really excited to be having our forest school sessions with Miss Alcock. She has lots of exciting things planned for us and has already mentioned that we will be doing a forest school science experiment and some cooking.
Week 1 – This week we got to explore nursery and reception’s forest school area, as we are having work done to our friendship garden. We went onto the school field and played lots of games and got very muddy. We also worked really well in small groups making cereal bird feeder. As you can see from the photos below, we had lots of fun.
Week 2 – We’ve had a great afternoon. We played our favourite games, before getting reacquainted with our forest school area. We had a treasure hunt to find winter facts, played on the tyre swing and cooked up pasta and meatballs, pancakes and chocolate cake in the mud kitchen. It was lots of fun, but we are very tired and muddy now!
Week 3 – What a busy afternoon we have had, we have been bird spotters and den builders today. We started off with a new game called “Hot Dog Tag” It is all about working as a team and looking out for who needs help. We took part in the Big Schools Bird Watch and found that we have a family of magpies nearby. We used peanut butter and bird seed to make patterned bird feeders to take home for our gardens. Some of us even made a shelter using the den building kit, it was really impressive and even had a carpet!
Week 4 – This afternoon we have been a Force For Nature, we received our trees and hedgerow plants from the Tree Council, we are now responsible for looking after them and making sure they grow properly. We also played a new game called Icebergs, which was tricky at first, but we soon got the hang of it and had lots of fun. We had a go at using a flint and steel and found that we need lots of determination and perseverance to light a fire.
Week 5 – This week was all about planting, we potted up our trees and started to plant our hedgerows, we were surprised at how many worms we found. We also did some more fire lighting practice and played lots of games.