Forest School Year 1

Last year’s Year 1:  For most of us this will be our first Forest School experience and although we don’t really know what we will be doing, we know that our sessions will be lead by Miss Alcock and she has lots of nice things planned for us.

Week 1

Thankfully our first session was a dry one.  Miss Alcock introduced us to the gathering circle and talked to us about the rules of forest school and how they were there to keep us safe.  We played a new game called “Spiders and Flies.”  Miss Alcock then said we could go and explore our forest.  It was a tree climbing day, so many of us had a go at climbing trees for the first time.  We also really loved the mud kitchen.

Week 2

The weather wasn’t as kind to us this week, although it did mean we had lots more mud to play with!  Someone had been into our forest when nobody was around and they had left us a letter.  Miss Alcock read the letter to us, it was from the St James Forest Fairies and they had left us some special fairy thread to make friendship bracelets with.  We couldn’t climb trees this week, so instead we went hunting for Gregor (he’s our friendly forest dragon.)

Week 3

This week, we started with something different, as it was Mental Health Awareness Week, we started with a mindfulness activity.  We all lay down and look up at the clouds, we watched how they moved, and looked at what different shapes they made.  We played the “Catch the worm.” game, which is one of our favourites, before making some cereal bird feeders to hang from our Celebration Tree and playing in the mud kitchen.