We have had an exciting and busy final term in year 6. It has been our turn for Forest schools and we have really made the most of it being our final one. We have made toasting rods, lit fires, toasted bread, made s’mores and worked as a team to make the ‘biggest and best’ den that would be fit for purpose in a variety of weather conditions.
We have been busy preparing and performing our Oliver Jr production this term, which has been a huge success. I think we will all be singing ‘Food, Glorious, Food’ for the next month!
We have also had our first end of year trip to London since before Covid. We had a fabulous time seeing the sights of London and all the children behaved impeccably.
We have finished off our time at St James’ with our fantastic leavers assembly, leavers mass and Shell Fest
Year 6 will be greatly missed but we wish them all the luck in the world in their high schools.