Spring Term

Well what a wonderful start to the Spring Term! In maths we have continued learning written methods to add and subtract and will be moving on to multiplication and division soon. We have also been learning about the properties of 2D shapes and continuing to improve our mental maths skills. We are continuing to work hard in our phonics and are becoming confident and fluent readers. Our Pathways to Write text in the first half term was Dragon Machine by Helen Ward. We were surprised to find a snow dragon egg in class and have loved hearing about the adventures of George. We wrote fantastic diaries describing our adventures as George, using subordination, past tense and exclamation and question marks. We are looking forward to making our very own dragon machines in DT, investigating wheels and axels! Our next text is Major Glad, Major Dizzy by Jan Oke.


This term we have really enjoyed learning about Jairus’ daughter, the ten lepers, how Jesus fed the 5000, and how we can be Good News People. We are now learning to understand more about the important parts of the Mass, following The Way, The Truth and The Life in RE. We had a wonderful service to mark Candlemas and enjoyed reflecting on how we can help God’s light shine. We are always very reflective during our Prayer Time and take the responsibility of planning it very seriously! We thoroughly enjoyed making pancakes to mark Shrove Tuesday and the beginning of Lent.

We have had a wonderful art project, ‘Be an Architect’ where we studied different designs of buildings, including famous landmarks and the work of Hundertwasser. This inspired us to design and create some wonderful creations!

In music we have really enjoyed playing the glockenspiels along to our rock song, ‘I Wanna Play in a Band’. In computing we have learnt how to be safe online and to organise data in a spreadsheet. We have continued learning about our feelings, relationships and how to stay safe in RSE. In science we have continued to learn how to work scientifically, whilst learning about materials and their properties. We have loved identifying and classifying different materials and testing them for different properties. We will use this knowledge to identify and compare materials for their suitability for different purposes, by planning and carrying out comparative tests.