April 2022.
Welcome back. We hope you had a lovely Easter break and are now ready for our final term in Year 4. Here is what we will be learning this term.
In RE, we will be continuing to follow The Way, The Truth and The Life to develop a greater knowledge and understanding of different events in the church year as well as exploring how to use a Bible and find given passages. This term our topics are The Early Christians and The Church. We will continue Prayer and Liturgy sessions in class each week.
4.5 The Early Christians Knowledge Organiser
4.6 The Church Knowledge Organiser
This term we are using our History topic of The Railways to teach our English units. We are going to be focussing on ‘The Railway Children’ by E Nesbitt to build our knowledge of story settings and to develop an understanding of writing and performing a play. We will also be studying poetry through ‘From A Railway Carriage’ and discussion and explanation using the non-fiction book ‘Railways’. Our class story for the first half term will be The Train to Impossible Places by P.G. Bell.
We are continuing our Maths curriculum using Maths No Problem, which encourages the children to develop their problem solving skills, as well as extend their mathematical vocabulary and understanding. This term our topics will be Decimals; Money; Mass, Volume & Length; Area of Figures; Geometry; Position & Movement; and Roman Numerals. We will also be continuing our daily morning maths task using ‘My Mini Maths’ and our weekly times tables tests.
This term we will be focussing on three topics within Science. These are Human Impact; Who am I?; and Our Changing World. Within each of these topics, the children will develop a deeper understanding of what they are learning through research and practical activities. We will be planning, completing and evaluating different experiments where possible and using scientific vocabulary to explain our findings.
Human Impact Knowledge Organiser
Our Changing World Knowledge Organiser
Our topic in Geography this term is Extreme Earth. During this topic, we will be exploring the different layers of the Earth and researching about the destructive powers of nature, from volcanoes and earthquakes to tsunamis and tornadoes. Through discussion and practical tasks, the children will learn about how and why these natural phenomena occur, and the ways in which they affect people and the environment.
Extreme Earth Knowledge Organiser
Our topic this term is The First Railways. Throughout this topic, the children will learn about the development of the Railways in Great Britain giving them the opportunity to find out about the history of the railways and significant early locomotives. They will also investigate some important historical events, such as the opening of the first passenger carrying railway lines and the Rainhill Trials and they will learn about some of the key people who were influential in the development of the railways.
The Railways Knowledge Organiser
Design Technology
This term our DT topic links with our Geography topic of Extreme Earth where we will be designing and making an Earthquake proof building. During this topic we will be researching what an Earthquake proof building is and what it needs to be made from as well as how to make it sturdy and where would be best to build it. From the research, we will then be designing our own building in detail creating an in-depth set of instructions on how to build it. Once we have completed the design process we will then gather the materials needed to make a small version of the building and test whether it will sustain an Earthquake or not and why.
Earthquake Proof Building Knowledge Organiser
Art and Design
This term we are going to be researching the life and work of L.S.Lowry. We will be having a closer look at a variety of his art work and focussing in on different parts of the pictures to then draw them ourselves. We will be developing our sketching skills, and learning how to add depth and shading to our drawings.
We are continuing to use Purple Mash for our computing curriculum this term. We will be completing four topics throughout this term – Logo; Animation; Effective Search and Hardware Investigators. As well as these topics, we will continue to develop a deeper understanding of the importance of staying safe online, when using computers, tablets, and phones and how we can do this.
4.5 – Logo Knowledge Organiser
4.6 – Animation Knowledge Organiser
4.7 – Effective Searching Knowledge Organiser
4.8 – Hardware Investigators Knowledge Organiser
This term we will continue to follow the Twinkl French Curriculum, which enables the children to develop their spoken and written skills in this subject. We will be focussing on two topics – What’s The Time? and Holidays and Hobbies. Throughout these topics, we will be learning new words as well as developing our knowledge of previously learned words.
Unit 5 – What’ the Time? Knowledge Organiser
Unit 6 – Holidays and Hobbies Knowledge Organiser
This term we are going to be continuing our brass lessons with Mr Conway on a Friday, where we will be learning to play new pieces of music. We are also going to be taking part in Charanga music lessons where we will be learning about different aspects of music.
Unit 5 – Blackbird Knowledge Organiser
We will be continuing our weekly PE lessons with Terri from Tameside Sport where we will be learning some new skills. This term we will be taking part in Outdoor PE sessions and learning how to play Cricket and the rules within this game. We will be developing a deeper understanding of the conduct that is needed for different areas of this curriculum and working on our team skills.