Being There is a befriending service for those with life-limiting conditions: Referral form Befriending service poster
Boost your wellbeing during the crisis: 10 days of happiness
Government guidance on supporting children’s mental health: Guidance to support mental health
An Easy Read guide on how to look after your feelings and your body: Guide to look after your feelings and your body
A practical guide to help with your mental wellbeing during these difficult times Practical help guide
Having good mental health helps us to relax more. Check out some tips on the NHS Every Mind Matters website
Various websites for children and young people on issues around sleeping, anxiety, online safety and more: Emotional wellbeing or Sleep routine top tips
Resources for mental health and wellbeing, including advice and contact numbers: Anna Freud Centre
Resources for mental health and wellbeing: CAMHS
Advice on supporting children with bereavement: Childhood Bereavement Network
Helping you to talk to your child about coronavirus: Talking about it or 5-point plan