Class 3

Welcome to Year 3!

I am Miss Clark and I will be your teacher in September. This is Miss Alcock who is our Teaching Assistant.

Year 3 staff

We have lots of fun in Year 3 and are really looking forward to having you all in our class. You will learn lots of new things while you are in Year 3 including beginning to learn how to speak French and learning how to play an instrument. Our first History topic will be all about life in the Stone Age. We create lots of Stone Age art from cave paintings to Stone Age jewellery. In Geography we will be learning about the UK and in Science we will be investigating rocks! I am sure you will all enjoy our topics.

This is our classroom which is upstairs! We have a lovely view of the fields and the playground- I’m sure you will all love it!

Year 3 classroom

We hope you have a lovely Summer! Stay safe and we will see you in September.

Miss Clark and Miss Alcock